Restarting, Innovation and Regional Resilience


Registration for Participating in the Conference (3rd - 5th November 2021)

Key Dates

Call for Submission of Extended Abstract   Nov (or Dec) 2021
Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstract 28 Feb 2022
Announcement of Accepted Abstract 31 March 2022
Commencement of conference (tentative) 2-3 June 2022

Theme for this year's conference is

Restarting, Innovation and Regional Resilience

Sub Themes

STI and development policies

- Dynamic state capabilities, Industrial policy, Innovation for welfare, policy for inclusive and grassroots innovations, planning for green energy, Studies on Civil Society Organisation

Innovation studies

- Innovation system, STI indicators, ecosystem for entrepreneurs and start-ups, innovation in the time of crisis, innovation in health care, co-creation

Technology and R&D Management

- Managing industrial diversification, Innovation financing, Intellectual properties to promote innovation, Roles of public research institutions in the time of crisis

Industrial Analysis

- Industry 4.0, production value chain, semiconductor, smart farming, (e-)health, technological catch-up

Recovery and Restarting

- Business model pivoting, resource mobility, human capital management, industrial respond and adjustment to shocks and disruption

Adaptability and Regional Resilience

- Regional Innovation System, Industrial Clusters, Studies on left-behind regions, Resilient cities